Meeting of the British Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Bridget Brind with Iraqi Business council President Dr. Majid Sadi

British Ambassador Meets IBC President

Meeting of the British Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Bridget Brind with Iraqi Business council President Dr. Majid Sadi

British Ambassador Meets IBC President – The British Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Bridget Brind met on Sunday July 11th 2021 with the President of the Iraqi business Council Dr. Majid Saedi during her visit to Dr. Sadi’s office.

The Ambassador was accompanied by the Second Secretary for Regional Affairs Mr. Muddathar Mussawar and the British Embassy’s Head of the International Trade Department Mrs. Suha Patarseh in the presence of the Council’s Director General Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib.

At the beginning of the meeting “British Ambassador Meets IBC President”, Dr. Sadi welcomed the British Ambassador and the accompanying delegation of Embassy staff, then talked about the importance of economic integration and cooperation between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt in all fields because of its benefits for the peoples of the region, especially cooperation in the field of energy and the need to implement the Electrical Linkage Project between Jordan, Iraq and Egypt and establishing logistic cities to serve industry.

Dr. Sadi expressed his optimism about improving the economic situation in Iraq after the upcoming elections.

He further talked about the achievements of the Iraqi Business Council as a professional business organization that has endeavored since its establishment to provide facilities to the Council members of Iraqi businessmen and investors and overcome obstacles, the Council’s role as a link between international companies and the Iraqi private sector, and the support of the Council’s members to the Jordanian economy by investing in Jordan and Iraq, in addition to the Council’s initiatives to promote a number of important and vital projects between Iraq and Jordan, such as the Iraqi – Jordanian Pipeline Project, lauding the security stability enjoyed by Jordan, and its important geographical location for Iraq, which makes it an attractive area for Iraq investors and businessmen.

For her part, the British Ambassador Mrs. Bridget Brind congratulated Dr. Sadi on his recent assumption of the position of Head of Central England Development and extended her thanks for organizing the meeting and stressed her willingness to invite and encourage the British companies to participate in future projects in Iraq.  At the end of the meeting, Dr. Saedi presented the British Ambassador with the Council’s souvenir (the Sumerian Tree of Life).