Communication on progress 2014 (CSR)

تجديد اتفاقية سمة الشنيغن |Communication on progress 2014 |Understanding with Basra|Multiple Schengen Visas |Meeting: Iraqi PM & IBC

Communication on progress 2014 (CSR)

Communication on progress 2014 (CSR)

Communication on progress 2014 – In order to enhance the concept of partnership between the Public and Private Sectors and the principles of integrity and transparency, the Iraqi Business Council (IBC) was a pioneer organizer and supporter to the United Nations Global Compact Initiative concerning the social responsibility of companies.

This Initiative that promotes the consolidation of ten principles adopted by the United Nations including transparency, combating child labor, integrity, environment preservation, human rights and other sublime principles that the IBC endeavored to apply to its agendas and programs since its establishment to the present date through symposiums and workshops to introduce this Initiative and its role in the development of the business society and the Iraqi civil society.

IBC Board of Directors being keen on expanding participation in the activities of the local network of the Global Compact in Iraq, appointed Dr. Amila Naji holder of a Ph.D. Degree in Companies’ Social Responsibility and an IBC member, as IBC Counselor for companies’ social responsibility and IBC representative in the Steering Committee of the Local Network of Global Compact in Iraq.

With this in mind, IBC was keen since its foundation to establish and support health care and humanitarian aid programs for the Iraqi community in Jordan by forming humanitarian committees to support the humanitarian programs and improve the conditions of vulnerable Iraqis whether inside Iraq or those living in Jordan.

The activities of this committee cover health, living and educational programs, and efforts to provide resources that assist in alleviating the sufferings of this vulnerable sector including “I HAVE A DREAM” Program to support Iraqi children inflicted with incurable diseases, “FARAH” Program which was designated to children with burns who were mutilated as a result of the obnoxious acts of terrorism underway in Iraq, and “AL-BALSAM” Program designated to aid the vulnerable Iraqi elderly patients who are in the Intensive Care Units in the Jordanian hospitals.

In addition to the aforementioned, IBC also sponsors Iraqi competencies of intellectuals, university professors, artists, scholars and other qualified dignitaries living in Jordan by means of shedding light on their creativity and supporting them to hold art exhibitions and finding opportunities to propagate their ingenuousness regionally and globally.

IBC sponsorship of scientific competencies was not only limited to Jordan, but it extended to participation in the Diamond Sponsorship of “Tamayuz Award” for architectural excellence of graduation projects for students of architectural engineering colleges in Iraqi universities for 2012 to stimulate scientific ingenuousness and encourage Iraqi competencies and talents.

IBC further works on promoting social ties between members of the Iraqi community residing in Jordan and outside Iraq through cultural activities and various social meetings.
Based on IBC various activities in the humanitarian field and keenness of its members to take part in the social and economic rehabilitation initiatives, with great pride IBC participated in organizing fine arts and humanitarian gallery under the title “MEMORY OF A PLACE” which represented the Iraqi man holding on to his genuine cultural roots.. crying out loud “this is Iraq, it is my land.. it is my history.. it is the dream of my children and ancestors.. it is the place that has imperishable living memory.”

This art exhibition was held in collaboration with the International Migration Organization – Iraq Mission and the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Jordan where elite Iraqi, Jordanian and European artists participated with the objective of supporting the affected communities in Iraq through the activities of the International Migration Organization that plays an outstanding sublime humanitarian role to alleviate the suffering of displaced Iraqis inside and outside Iraq through the support of the Iraqi Embassy in Jordan which has achieved remarkable successes turning it from an Embassy to a warm home embracing all Iraqis.

This participation comes as an achievement of IBC objectives, humanitarian goals and its ethical responsibility to aid the vulnerable Iraqis inside and outside Iraq.

Secretary General
Iraqi Business Council