Communication on progress report 2016

اجتماع مع المستشار الكندي| Signing of Dr. Al-Timimi’s Book | Exhibition “Remnants of Things” | The Visiting International Monetary Fund (IMF) | The Official Delegation of Egypt Investment | Visit of the new head of the IMF | Iraqi Business Council | Umbrella of investment and Iraqi companies in Jordan | Visit of the President of the Arab Contractors Federation| Visit of the President of the Arab Contractors Federation| Welcoming for the New Iraqi Ambassador| Breakfast for IBC Members & Guests | Exhibition & Auction of Eastern Antiques | A visit to Mrs. Safiya Al-Siheil | Opening of Ibrahim Abdali’s Exhibition | Meeting With the French Ambassador | The 100 Kilometers Bicycle Racing | Exhibition of Bushra Al-Khateeb | The Iraqi – Jordanian Oil Pipeline | Ayla Bicycles 200Km Race | The IMF Seminar | The Jordanian Minister of Industry | the 1st Demise Anniversary of Late Writer Al-Bayati | The Belgian – Jordanian – Iraqi Economic Conference| Canadian Commercial Counselor

Communication on progress report 2016

check the link below for Communication on progress report 2016:

تقرير المسؤولية الاجتماعية 2016

Communication on progress report 2016 -The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council is based on the common desire generated by a number of elites. Those who are Iraqi investors and businessmen on the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan unanimous in the importance of creating economic reference for them, as well as for those who wish to join them in order to maximize Iraq’s investment in Jordan, as well as to contribute actively to Iraq’s construction and reconstruction.

The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council was well-founded and blessed by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Accordingly, the approval of the competent Jordanian authorities was commended for launching the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan.

The one who carried out the mission of founding is an elite of Iraqi businessmen of recognized competence and abilities. and since the Council’s inception in late 2006, members have worked towards efforts to support Iraqi investments in Jordan.

as well as coordination and cooperation with official entities, to find solutions and proposals to overcome obstacles and constraints facing investors s economic, investment and trade cooperation between Jordan and Iraq.