IBC Members Meet with the Greek Ambassador Mrs. Maria Luisa Marinaki

البيئة في العراق |Greek Ambassador

IBC Members Meet with the Greek Ambassador Mrs. Maria Luisa Marinaki

IBC members met with the Greek Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Maria Luisa Marinaki and the Greek Embassy Commercial Attach Mrs. Mary Areti at IBC Headquarters in Swefiya.  At the beginning of the meeting, IBC Chairman Dr. Majid Sadi welcomed the Greek Head of Mission and the present guests, delivering brief presentation on IBC activities and its accomplishments since its foundation, and proposed establishment of a mechanism of cooperation on the exchange of information and knowledge and organizing mutual visits for trade delegations of the two sides.

IBC Chairman further extended an invitation to the Greek Ambassador and the Greek Companies interested in accessing the Iraqi market to attend “The Future of Energy in Iraq” Conference which is scheduled to be held in Amman under sponsorship of IBC from 18th – 20th May 2014.

Dr. Saedi also elaborated on the “Oil Export Pipeline Project from Basra – Aqaba” Project which is considered a major investment opportunity for international companies, calling on active participation of the Greek Companies in this Project.

On her part, the Greek Ambassador praised the close ties existing between the two countries and the projects implemented in Iraq years ago by a number of Greek Companies in the field of infrastructure.

The Ambassador also emphasized her keenness in attracting Iraqi investors specialized in a number of sectors including the real estate investments and revival of tourism sector in Greece.

She further elaborated on the activities and achievements of the Greek Investment Agency who facilitates the investment procedures in Greece, and stressed on the necessity of maintaining communication with the Agency’s Officials to explore more investment opportunities.

Towards the end of the meeting, Dr. Sadi and the Greek Ambassador exchanged appreciation and gratitude for organizing the meeting, and a gift from IBC was presented to the Greek Head of Mission.

The meeting was attended by IBC Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Mr. Saad Naji, IBC Vice Chairman and Board member Mr. Ahmed Shabender, IBC Vice Chairman and Board member Mr. Turkey Qaisi, Board member Mr. Fakhri Rishan, and a number of IBC members; Mrs. Tamara Daghistani, Mr. Ahmed Shaban, Mr. Ali Shenshel, Mr. Bakir Shenshel, Mr. Abdul Karim Saedi, Mr. Hassan Safi, and Mr. Mustafa Sheikh the representative of Mr. Ahmed Albeer.