Economic event: “Hauberk Capital” Holds an Introductory Economic Seminar at the Headquarters of the IBC On its Services in Wealth Management & Projects Financing Mechanism

Hauberk Capital Introductory in IBC

Economic event: “Hauberk Capital” Holds an Introductory Economic Seminar at the Headquarters of the IBC On its Services in Wealth Management & Projects Financing Mechanism

Hauberk Capital, a leading international company that provides financial advisory and wealth management services, held an introductory economic Seminar in person and electronically on Thursday, August 4th, 2022, at the IBC headquarters on the company’s services in wealth management and project financing mechanisms.

At the beginning of the Seminar , IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, welcomed Hauberk Capital team including Mrs. Lama Kanan, Hauberk Capital Board member, Dr. Wael Fawzi, Administrator, and the Company’s team.

Dr. Wael Fawzi presented an overview on Hauberk’s Wealth Management Program and features of the Financial Advisory Service provided by the Foreign Investment Office of Wealth Management.

During the Symposium ““Hauberk Capital” the Introductory Economic Seminar in the IBC On its Services in Wealth Management & Projects Financing Mechanism ” , Dr. Fawzi also talked about several initiatives by several countries interested in investment in Iraq, especially that international platforms have started to take interest in investment in Iraq.

Dr. Fawzi concluded his speech by emphasizing that Hauberk Capital offers a distinguished Advisory Program for Wealth Management, reducing operation expenses, implementing governance and developing the clients’ goals, in addition to maintaining sustainable, interconnected and distinguished investment.

On her part, Mrs. Lama Kanan talked about the keenness expressed by a number of investors , who are Company’s clients, in financing infrastructure projects in Iraq and the mechanisms and conditions of obtaining this financing.

The members then discussed several projects and investment opportunities available in Iraq in a number of sectors.  Members of Hauberk Capital then expressed their thanks for organizing this meeting.

The meeting was attended by IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, IBC Board member Engineer Mekki Al-Faiz and a number of IBC members; Engineer Turki Al-Qaisi and Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, in addition to representatives of Shamara Holding Company, Al-Jazeera Group and IBC CEO.