IBC Leaders at UN Global Compact Forum – The Iraqi Business Council Vice President & Secretary General Dr. Saad Naji and IBC Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib participated in the Sixth Annual Business Form for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Global Compact, which was held on September 20th to 22nd 2021 via audio – visual communication technology.
An elite group of decision makers, Chief Executive Officers, Sustainable Development Experts and Business Leaders, in addition to Heads and Representatives of Civil Society Organizations, participated in the Forum, which was organized in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the International Chamber of Commerce.
The Forum coincided with the convening of the United Nations General Assembly.
During the Forum, the participants discussed the current challenges of the escalating crisis of climate change and Corona Virus Pandemic, their serious consequences on all societies and the method of advancing and achieving the goals of sustainable development.
The International Chamber of Commerce launched a number of initiatives including the launch of the world’s first software platform for small and medium sized companies to evaluate the effects of their operations on the environment, issuance of a report on sustainable imports financing, and the announcement by the International Chamber of Commerce that it will host a virtual global event coinciding with the United Nations Conference “Together for Climate Modification” “COP 26”.
During the IBC Leaders at UN Global Compact Forum, workshops were held for entrepreneurs to develop mechanisms and solutions to reduce Carbon emissions and address the effects of climate change.