The Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheer Al-Ghurairi, Meets with IBC Members

The Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheer Al-Ghurairi, Meets with IBC Members

The Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheer Al-Ghurairi, Meets with IBC Members

IBC Members Meets The Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheer AlGhurairi – IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, and a number of IBC members including; Board member Engineer Mekki Al-Faiz, and members; Mr. Ahmad Al-Amili, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, Mr. Muhammad Shanshal, Mr. Maytham Al-Bolani, in addition to IBC Director General Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib, met on Wednesday October 18th 2023 with HE the Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheer Al-Ghurairi, at Amman Fairmont Hotel, in the presence the Iraqi Trade Attaché, Mr. Nabil Al-Karbouli, and the Iraqi Embassy Advisor, Mr. Muhannad Al-Azzawi.

At the beginning of the meeting , Dr. Saad Naji welcomed the Iraqi Minister of Trade and guests, reviewing the role of the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan in supporting investors, facilitating their businesses, and encouraging investment in Iraq.  He also highlighted several obstacles facing investors and businessmen in Iraq including the slow procedures pertaining to the registration of companies and granting entry visas to Iraq to experts and personnel of companies working in Iraq.

The present members also discussed the Product Protection Law and the list of products covered by this Law, which negatively impacted the economic activity practice in the Iraqi market, as well as the slow registration process of lands designated for investment.

For his part, the Iraqi Trade Minister, Mr. Atheel Al-Ghurairi, welcomed IBC members, expressing his readiness to address all obstacles encountering the  investor, whether in the industrial or other sectors, communicate their observations to the Prime Minister’s office directly, and coordinate with all ministries to overcome these obstacles.

Mr. Al-Ghurairi responded to the remarks of IBC members pertaining to companies’ registration, elaborating that registration procedures presently take less than 20 days to finalize.  Mr. Al-Ghurairi communicated with the Director General of Companies Registration Department in Iraq, who confirmed that swift and easy companies’ registration procedures are currently being adopted in Iraq, and that companies registration will be performed electronically in the near future. whereas an investor or businessman will be able to visit the website to register a company and acquaint himself with the required procedures.

The Minister also communicated with the President of the Investment National Authority, Dr. Haider Mekkiya, and presented his recommendations concerning facilitating and accelerating procedures pertaining to the registration of lands designated for investment ensuring healthy business environment for the investor.

During the meeting , Mr. Al-Ghurairi promised to facilitate granting visas to investors,  businessmen and companies’ personnel, calling on IBC to provide any comments that would enhance business and investment in Iraq.

At the end of the the IBC Meets Mr. Atheer AlGhurairi two sides exchanged thanks on organizing the meeting.