IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary-General Participates in the Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020)

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IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary-General Participates in the Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020)

At the invitation extended by the Assistant of the Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Global Compact, Mrs. Sanda Ogambo, IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, and the Director General of the Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020), held by the United Nations Global Compact in presence and via video communication technology in New York – USA, participated on September 19th-21st 2022 in the Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020).

The event brought together Heads of States and governments, CEOs, corporate sustainability experts, business leaders, Heads of UN Agencies and civil society organizations led by the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, and the Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the UN Global compact, Mrs. Sanda Ogambo.

IBC-The Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020)

The Private Sector Forum (United Business 2020) included a discussion on the assessment of the world state and addressing gaps as to progress and realization of business ambitions on the sustainable development goals.

The Forum sessions included a session on the renewable energy, financing mechanism for transition to renewable energy, the role of young professionals in stimulating innovation in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development and the role of business community in protecting the environment.

During his intervention in the Forum, Dr. Saad Naji talked about the importance of supporting the energy-poor countries, such as Iraq, whose lack of energy resulted from the mismanagement of resources, and Lebanon, which lacks resources to achieve energy sufficiency. Also, steps for financing economies to be fairer and more inclusive, were also discussed.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan was one of the first organizations that joined the UN Global Compact and worked on applying and implementing the ten principles of the Agreement in all its procedures and adopted sustainable development and social responsibility.

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