Seminar On Corporate Social Responsibility – IBC Vice President and Secretary General Mr. Saad Naji accepted an invitation extended by the Jordanian Global Compact Network of the United Nations to attend a specialized symposium of Social Responsibility for Companies held on Sunday December 13th 2015 at the Headquarters of Amman Chamber of Commerce in Shmesani in cooperation with Amman Chamber of Commerce, the Netherlands Embassy in Amman and the Jordan – Europe Business Association (JEBA).
The Symposium, where elite experts in the field of Social Responsibility for Companies for Society Development participated, aimed at finding a platform for exchanging the best practices for the purpose of implementing this responsibility through integrating strategies and activities carried out by the companies with the principles Global Compact in the field of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
During the Seminar On Corporate Social Responsibility, Mr. Saad Naji reviewed to the President of the Jordanian Global Compact Network Mr. Mustafa Nassir Al-Din IBC role in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility towards society and the Council’s efforts in cconsolidating these principles of the Global Compact, being a pioneer founder of the Global Compact Network of the United Nations in Iraq, and setting up a number of programs that flow in the stream of social development, and agreement was reached that IBC joins the Jordanian Global Compact Network.
On his part, President of the Amman Chamber of Commerce Mr. Issa Haider Murad stressed the importance of holding this Seminar, expressing the Chamber’s keenness, being a partner in the Jordanian Global Compact Network, on supporting its objectives in spreading the principles of the Global Compact and enhancing the Corporate Social Responsibility and deepening cooperation between the Jordanian Corporations and the Academic Institutions.
The Chamber’s President emphasized the Private Sector’s role in finding development projects that would contribute to achieving social and economic stability in communities.
Furthermore, President of the Jordan – Europe Business Association (JEBA) Mr. Jamal Frez stressed the importance of developing partnership between Governments and the Business Society concerning Social Responsibility, and that companies and businesses take into consideration the legal, ethical and social dimensions in the decision-making process.
The Dutch Ambassador to Jordan Mr. Paul Van Den Aseel clarified that the Jordanian companies joined the Global Compact as early as 2006, but the number was limited at the time to few large companies, however, it is anticipated that this membership would soon expand to cover a larger number of companies, indicating that his country, in consistency with the Charter, is currently thinking of developing certain programs to support the Jordanian economy to bear the burden of refugees, hoping to encourage through this program large and medium-sized corporations of the Netherlands to invest in Jordan to contribute in the provision of employment opportunities.
President of the Jordanian Global Compact Network Mr. Mustafa Nassir Al-Din called upon the Jordanian institutions, companies and the business community to intensify their efforts towards the application of the UN Global Compact principles and its vision represented by the creation of inclusive and sustainable global economy realizing the interests of individuals, communities and markets, and that the Compact contents are adopted as strategies in harmony with the international principles of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Representatives of the Private Sector companies participated in this Seminar such as Nuqul Group, ARAMEX, Talal Abu Ghazala Group and a number of Non-Government Organizations representatives.