Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General Participate in the Economic Symposium Hosted by the Iraqi – British Business Council in Partnership with the Institute of International & Regional Studies & the American University in Suleimaniya

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Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General Participate in the Economic Symposium Hosted by the Iraqi – British Business Council in Partnership with the Institute of International & Regional Studies & the American University in Suleimaniya

Iraqi-British Economic Symposium At the invitation of the Iraqi – British Business Council, IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Mr. Saad Naji participated on Monday June 15th 2020 in the Economic Symposium held via Internet via ZOOM Application, hosted by the Iraqi – British Business Council in partnership with the Institute of International and Regional Studies and the American University in Suleimaniya, in which over 300 personalities participated.

During the Symposium, a work paper titled “Iraq 2020 : A Country at the Crossroads”, which was issued by the Consultative Council of the Iraqi – British Business Council.

The paper addressed the basic requirements that Iraq needs to successfully exits the current state of chaos including the external challenges such as the collapse of oil prices, COVID-19 epidemic and the re-emergence of ISIS, and at the same time the internal challenges such as the rampant corruption, poor basic services, unemployment, employment below the level of qualifications, troubled political situation and the serious budget crisis.

At the end of the Economic Symposium, the attendees issued a number of recommendations to the Iraqi government to address the current economic crisis facing Iraq including; cancellation of trade controls, ending support on electricity and water production, improving the banking system and providing credit to private sector companies, combating corruption and addressing COVID-19 pandemic without exposing the private sector to risks