IBC Participates in the Activities of The Joint Jordanian – Iraqi Business Forum

IBC Participates in the Activities of The Joint Jordanian – Iraqi Business Forum |مشاركة الأعمال بمنتدى الأردن

IBC Participates in the Activities of The Joint Jordanian – Iraqi Business Forum

Press release on the participation of the Iraqi Business Council in the launching of the activities of joint Jordanian – Iraqi Business Forum under the title “Partnership for Investment”, which was launched on Wednesday February 8th 2023 in the capital Baghdad in the presence and participation of Jordan Minister of Industry, Trade & Supply, Mr. Yousif Al-Shaamali, and the Iraqi Minister of Industry & Minerals, Dr. Khalid Bettal. IBC President and members participated in the activities of the Forum in the presence of members of the Iraqi Parliament, Presidents and representatives of the Chambers of Trade and Industry of the two countries, a large crowd of businessmen and investors, IBC CEO Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib and staff.

The Forum was chaired by IBC President, Dr. Majid Al-Sadi, where he discussed with the Jordanian and Iraqi Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Business Councils in Jordan and Iraq issues on the role of the private sector to boost trade relations between Iraq and Jordan. The Forum also included bilateral meetings among businessmen, followed by dinner banquet, during which IBC Chairman presented the Ministers, the Iraqi and Jordanian Heads of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Presidents of the Business Councils with the “Shields of Economic Excellence” on behalf of the Iraqi Business Council.

– التلفزيون الأردني.
– مدار الساعة الإخبارية.
– وزارة الصناعة والمعادن العراقية.
– وكالة الأنباء العراقية.