IBC Hosts the Presentation & Signing Ceremony of “Marketing Strategies.. in Accordance with the Principles Of the United Nations Global Compact for Businesses” Book During the Economic Symposium Held on IBC Hall.

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IBC Hosts the Presentation & Signing Ceremony of “Marketing Strategies.. in Accordance with the Principles Of the United Nations Global Compact for Businesses” Book During the Economic Symposium Held on IBC Hall.

The Iraqi Business Council hosted on Wednesday December 20th 2023 the presentation and signing ceremony of the “Marketing Strategies.. in accordance with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact for Businesses UNGC”  book by the Iraqi Business Council Vice President & Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, during the Economic Symposium held yesterday on Corporates Principles of Social Responsibility, which began with the participants’ observing a moment of silence to honor the souls of Gaza martyrs.

The symposium discussed the principles of corporates’ social responsibility, its impact on community development, environment protection and the need for it to be a moral duty and an ethical practice against corruption.  The participants stressed the need for companies, especially the large ones, to pay greater attention to man and environment, and the need to fulfill their social responsibility towards them in such a way leading to improving the quality of life and assisting different segments and classes of society to lead a safer and more prosperous life.

The symposium was attended by the H.E the Charge  d’Affairs of the Iraqi Embassy to Jordan, Mr. Munif Ali Hussein, the Embassy Cultural Advisor, Dr. Kheir, Al-Din Al-Amin, and a number of the Embassy diplomatic staff.  On IBC side, IBC Board members participated in the symposium namely Consulting Engineer, Mr. Ali Ghalib Al-Khafaji, Mr. Khalil Al-Bunniya and IBC members; Consulting Engineer, Mr. Turkey Al-Qaisi, Mr. Muhammad Jawad Al-Jubouri, Mr. Fakhri Reshan, Mr. Ahmad Al-Amili, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, Mr. Muhammad Shanshal and Mr. Muhammad Turkey Al-Qaisi, and a number of cultural, academic and media elites, in addition to television channels , IBC CEO Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib and staff.

We are attaching the press release published by the Jordanian News Agency “Petra”.

Press Release

IBC Seminar Discusses Corporate Social Responsibility:

Amman – A seminar organized by the Iraqi Business Council in Amman discussed the principles of corporate social responsibility and its impact on the development of society, environment protection and the necessity for it to be a moral duty and ethical practice against corruption.

The participants in the symposium, which was held at IBC offices, stressed the need for companies, especially the large ones, to pay greater attention to man and environment, and the need to fulfill their social responsibility towards them in such a way leading to improving the quality of life and assisting different segments and classes of society to lead a safer and more prosperous life.

During the seminar attended by the Charge d’Affairs of the Iraqi Embassy to Jordan, Mr. Munif Ali Hussein, a book by IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, titled “Marketing Strategies in accordance with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact” was launched.

IBC Consultant in charge of Corporate Social Responsibility, Dr. Amila Naji, explained that corporate responsibility is an investment for companies, which allows companies to learn about consumers’ and citizens’ opinion on their active contribution to society, whether social or cultural, in addition to their ethical stance, which has a direct impact on their businesses.

During the symposium, steered by Dr. Muhammad Al-Baldawi, IBC Advisor, Dr. Amila Naji, affirmed that studies indicate that a consumer supports and stands with companies that are ethically and legally committed and who combat corruption, regardless to the price of the commodity or service they provide.  Dr. Naji also pointed out that the United Nations standards for corporate responsibility are based on human rights, work standards, environment protection and combating corruption, stressing the need to distinguish between social responsibility, which are committed sustainable programs, and charity works, through which assistance is provided to certain groups of society.

In turn, Dr. Saad Naji presented the most prominent recommendations contained in his book “Marketing Strategies.. in accordance with the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact for Businesses UNGC” , which was written in the form of research study, the most important of which is requesting the Iraqi Business Council to increase the focus of its affiliated companies on applying the principles of the United Nations Global Business Compact, making social responsibility part of its culture, educating the members, holding training courses on its practices towards their employees and other stakeholders, and towards the environment and society.

Amongst the recommendations, according to Dr. Saad Naji, requesting IBC to intensify the programs and activities relating to practising social responsibility towards the environment, providing benefits to companies that excel in this regard, allocating a reward, if possible, along to the issuance of a report similar to what is issued by the United Nations on the performance of companies with regard to social responsibility.  He pointed out that the Iraqi Business Council, which was established in Amman in 2006 and includes over 3000 member companies operating in the Jordanian and Iraqi markets, took the initiative to adopt the Universal Agreement on Human Rights in 2011.  Dr. Naji reviewed the role IBC plays towards the Iraqi community in Jordan based on its social responsibility through several programs IBC adopts including legally and economically supporting and empowering woman, children and vulnerable categories, helping students and outstanding ones to study in universities in the Kingdom and abroad.

Dr. Naji pointed out that many Jordanian companies submit regular annual reports on the support they provide and what they spend on civil society within the framework of their social responsibility.