Meeting with the Special Coordinating Committee to Follow-Up The Implementation of the Results of the Visit of the Parliamentary Delegation to Baghdad

الاجتماع التنسيقي لنتائج الزيارة

Meeting with the Special Coordinating Committee to Follow-Up The Implementation of the Results of the Visit of the Parliamentary Delegation to Baghdad

This is a news release about the meeting held on Monday, February 6th, 2023, at the headquarters of the Jordanian Parliament, which was published in several official dailies and electronic news websites. The meeting with the Special Coordinating Committee to follow up on The Implementation of the Results of the Visit of the Jordan Parliamentary Delegation to Baghdad.

The meeting with the Special Coordinating Committee to Follow-Up The Implementation of the Results of the Visit of the Jordan Parliamentary Delegation to Baghdad was attended by IBC’s President, Dr. Majid Al-Sadi; IBC’s Vice President and Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, IBC Board members, Mr. Mekki Al-Faiz, Dr. Osama Al-Quraishi; IBC CEO Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib, Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Mr. Ahmed Al-Safadi and Head of the Coordinating Committee, Representative Dr. Kheir Abu Saelik.

– وكالة بترا الاردنية للأنباء
– انباء الوطن
– هوا الاردن الاخبارية