Participation of Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General in the First Coordination Meeting Held by the International Labor (ILO) Organization

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Participation of Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General in the First Coordination Meeting Held by the International Labor (ILO) Organization

the First Coordination Meeting Held by the ILO – IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Dr. Saad Naji and IBC Director General participated on Tuesday February 23rd 2021 in the First Coordination Meeting held by the International Labor Organization via Zoom application to form a national team to develop a permanent strategy for the transition from informal to formal economy according to the recommendations of the International Labor Organization No. (204) that calls upon member states to design coherent and integrated strategies to facilitate the transition from informal to formal economy.

At the beginning of the First Coordination Meeting Held by the ILO, ILO Expert Mr. Muhammad Maayteh welcomed the participants reviewing the objectives of the First Coordinating Meeting, followed by a presentation on the methodology of diagnosing the informal trait and the method of shifting to the organized trait presented by ILO Regional Coordinator Dr. Maha Qattaa.

Then ILO Expert Ms. Miranda Figgerman talked about the steps of forming a national team to participate in this diagnosis and lay down a roadmap to shift to organized economy.

Dr. Saad Naji participated with an important intervention on the necessity of involving the private sector and owners of businesses in setting the strategy and securing social protection and incentives for those who work in the informal economy to facilitate their transition to the formal economy, bearing in mind that developing this strategy will require the involvement of a number of United Nationals organizations, representatives of the Iraqi government and civil society organizations.