IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General & IBC Members Participate in a Conference on Promoting Direct Foreign Investment in Jordan & Iraq

Promoting Direct Foreign Investment |مشاركة المجلس بمؤتمر الاستثمار

IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General & IBC Members Participate in a Conference on Promoting Direct Foreign Investment in Jordan & Iraq

At the invitation of the Regional Manager of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Mr. Aftab Ahmad, and the Deputy Chairman of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), Mr. Ethiopian Tafara, of the World Bank Group, IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General and IBC members participated Monday September 11th 2023 in the Conference on Promoting Direct Foreign Investment in Jordan and Iraq, which was held at Amman Four Seasons Hotel.  On the Jordanian Government side, the Conference was attended by; H.E Minister of Planning & International Cooperation, Mrs. Zena Touqan and H.E Minister of Investment, Mrs. Khuloud Al-Saqqaf, and on the Iraqi side, H.E Advisor of the Iraq Prime Minister for Investment Affairs, Mr. Muhammad Al-Najjar, the Director General of the Department of Investments & Foreign Transfers in the Central Bank of Iraq, Dr. Mazin Sabah Ahmad, and a number of officials in Iraqi and Jordanian Ministries.  Also, the Conference was attended by a large number of CEOs and representatives of international bodies and institutions and United Nations Agencies concerned in economic affairs in Jordan and Iraq.

During the Conference on Promoting Direct Foreign Investment in Jordan and Iraq, IBC presented a study prepared by IBC’s Vice President & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, on the volume of Iraqi investment in Jordan, the first part of which discussed the volume and diversity of Iraqi investment in Jordan, while the second part of the study dealt with the obstacles and issues of concern facing the Iraqi investor in Jordan and the third part of the study highlighted the challenges encountering the Iraqi – Jordanian economic integration.  IBC members; Mr. Hadi Al-Bahrani and Mr. Faisal Al-Sadoun participated in the Conference first dialogue session, which was steered by the Regional Manager of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), Mr. Aftab Ahmad, which discussed solutions to reduce risks for private sector investments in Iraq and Jordan, the economic reforms adopted by Jordan and Iraq to attract direct foreign investment, the challenges facing investors and the procedures adopted by the governments of the two countries to address such.

Attendees on IBC sides:

  • Vice President & Secretary-General, Dr.Saad Naji.
  • Board member, Mr. Khalil Al-Buniyya.
  • Board member, Mrs. Tamara Daghistani.
  • Member, Engineer Turkey Al-Qaisi.
  • Member, Mr. Hadi Al-Bahrani.
  • Member, Mr. Faisal Al-Sadoun.
  • Member, Mr. Ahmad Al-Amili.
  • Member, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi.
  • Member, Mr. Muhammad Shanshal.
  • Member, Mrs. Niran Al-Hakeem.
  • Member, Mr. Muhammad Turkey Al-Qaisi.
  • And a number of CEOs of IBC member companies, IBC CEO Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib and staff.