Economic Event: IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General Participates in the Electronic Economic Symposium Held by the Global PWC

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Economic Event: IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General Participates in the Electronic Economic Symposium Held by the Global PWC

PWC Economic Symposium – IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Dr. Saad Naji participated on Tuesday May 25th 2021 in the Electronic Economic Symposium held by the global PWC for Financial Auditing.

During the PWC Economic Symposium senior experts talked about the latest regional economic developments and the transformation in the form of the tax system in the Gulf region, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the direct to indirect tax system.

The experts also talked about the changes that will occur in the form of the tax system in the world.

The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council is based on the common desire generated by a number of elites. Those who are Iraqi investors and businessmen on the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan unanimous in the importance of creating economic reference for them, as well as for those who wish to join them in order to maximize Iraq’s investment in Jordan, as well as to contribute actively to Iraq’s construction and reconstruction.

The idea of establishing the Iraqi Business Council was well-founded and blessed by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Accordingly, the approval of the competent Jordanian authorities was commended for launching the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan.

The one who carried out the mission of founding is an elite of Iraqi businessmen of recognized competence and abilities. and since the Council’s inception in late 2006, members have worked towards efforts to support Iraqi investments in Jordan. as well as coordination and cooperation with official entities, to find solutions and proposals to overcome obstacles and constraints facing investors s economic, investment and trade cooperation between Jordan and Iraq.