At the invitation extended by the Chairman of Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry, Engineer Fathi Al-Jaghbit, IBC Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, Dr. Saad Naji, and IBC members; Mr. Ahmad Al-Amili, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, and businessmen; Mr. Ali Al-Khawam, Mrs, Niran Al-Hakim, Miss Abeer Mtasher, Representative of the Seven Seas Shipping & Clearance Company, and IBC Director General participated on Monday July 4th 2022 in the meeting held at the Headquarters of Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry to discuss a draft bill on Regulating the Investment Environment in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The meeting was attended H.E the Minister of Planning & International Cooperation, Mr. Nassir Al-Shraideh, H.E. the Minister of Investment, Dr. Khairi Amr, H.E. the Minister of Finance, Dr. Muhammad Al-Esis, H.E. the Minister of Industry & Trade & Supply, Mr. Yousif Al-Shemali, and the State Minister for Legal Affairs, Mrs., Wafa Beni Mustafa, and the General Commission for Industry Chambers in Jordan.
During the IBC meeting about the Draft Bill Debate on Regulating the Investment Environment At Jordan & Amman Chambers of Industry Headquarter, Engineer Fathi Al-Jaghbir, who chaired the meeting, affirmed that his contract aims at unifying the viewpoint of the Chambers of Industry towards the draft bill and the importance of participation of industrial investors in expressing their opinions in the laws and issues that affect the competitiveness of industrial investment.
Also, H.E the Minister of Planning & International Cooperation, Mr. Nassir Al-Shraideh, stressed the need to draft the law in line with the requirements of the Jordanian investment environment and in a way that is directly reflected on the local and foreign investors.
During the meeting between , Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry presented several proposals and observations on the draft bill, which was discussed with the economic team of the Council of Ministers.
Also, H.E Minister Al-Shraida confirmed that the work plan has been approved to develop the legislative environment that regulate investment and included three main tracks; the fast track, which consists of creating one window to establish, register and license the economic activities, create one window to grant residence and work permits to expatriate workers and find a unified umbrella to control and inspect the economic activities, in addition to facilitating trade procedures and phased dealings with the major new investments, and the path of reducing costs and enhancing competitiveness, which consists of reducing electricity tariffs on several productive economic sectors.