IBC Members Met on Tuesday February 17th 2015 with the Assistant Swedish Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Josephine Helegrene and the Official Trade Envoy to Sweden Mr. Ali Shakir At IBC Headquarters

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IBC Members Met on Tuesday February 17th 2015 with the Assistant Swedish Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Josephine Helegrene and the Official Trade Envoy to Sweden Mr. Ali Shakir At IBC Headquarters

Swedish Ambassador to Jordan

Within the framework of IBC international and economic relations programs and its goals in promoting economic cooperation between the companies owned by IBC members and the international business community, IBC members met on Tuesday February 17th 2015 at IBC Headquarters with the Deputy Swedish Ambassador to Jordan Mrs. Josephine Helegrene, her Assistant, the Trade Envoy in Sweden Mr. Ali Shakir and the Head of Swedish / Iraqi Trade and Investment Council.

During the meeting certain topics were discussed such as the Iraqi – Swedish economic relations, investment environment, the trade opportunities available in both countries and the facilities granted by the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad and Amman to Iraqi investors.

Also, agreement was reached to provide IBC with the investment programs, establishment of companies in Sweden and obtainment of the relevant residence permits by investors.

During the meeting, Mr. Ali Shakir talked about his duties as a trade commissioner and the keenness of the Swedish Government on promoting relations between the two countries.

The visiting delegation and IBC members agreed on organizing economic activities between the two sides during the coming period including holding an Iraqi – Swedish economic conference, arranging for Iraqi trade delegation to visit Sweden to meet with Swedish companies that are interested in accessing the Iraqi market and identifying available investment opportunities.

IBC members provided brief introductions on their companies and their lines of business.

Also, IBC programs and achievements were presented, IBC activities that are held periodically, the agreements concluded with Embassies, Consulates, Chambers of Commerce, United Nations Agencies and Civil Community organizations.

On IBC side the meeting was attended by its Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Mr. Saad Naji, Vice Chairman and Board member Mr. Turkey Al-Qaissi, Board members; Mr. Mekki Al-Faiz, Mr. Usama Al-Quraishi and Mr. Fakhri Reshan, representative of the Board member Mr. Khalil Al-Bunniya, IBC members; Mr. Raed Al-Bayati, Mr. Ahmed Al-Amili, Mr. Aqeel Al-Hadi, Mr. Muhammad Al Baghdadi and IBC CEO.