The Cypriot Ambassador to Jordan & Iraq’s Non-Resident Ambassador Visits IBC and Meets with Iraqi Business Council Members

زيارة السفير القبرصي للمجلس | The Cypriot Ambassador Visits IBC

The Cypriot Ambassador to Jordan & Iraq’s Non-Resident Ambassador Visits IBC and Meets with Iraqi Business Council Members

The Cypriot Ambassador Visits IBC – The Cypriot Ambassador to Jordan and Iraq’s Non-Resident Ambassador Dr. Andreas Kozobis visited on Monday February 18th 2019 IBC offices and met with IBC members; Board member Mr. Turkey Al-Qaissi and IBC members Mr. Fakhri Rishan, Engineer Zaid Al-Safi, Mr. Usama Al-Safi, Mr. Muhammad Shanshal, Engineer Rula Al-Qaissi and IBC CEO.

At the beginning of the meeting, IBC Board member Mr. Turkey Al-Qaissi welcomed the Cypriot Ambassador and thanked him for meeting IBC members, then IBC CEO presented a short review on IBC activities and its achievements in the economic, cultural, humanitarian and academic fields, in addition to the economic cooperation and facilities extended by various Embassies in Jordan to IBC members especially the issue of visas.

For his part, the Cypriot Ambassador affirmed that his visit to IBC was to benefit from the services provided by IBC, describing the economy as the backbone for cooperation between Iraq and Cyprus, stressing his desire to organize a meeting for IBC members to meet with the Cypriot Foreign Minister during his coming visit to Amman.

The two sides also discussed the need to build relationships and partnerships with the private sector in Iraq and Cyprus especially in the fields of oil and gas and cooperation in scientific and academic fields.

At the end of The Cypriot Ambassador Visits IBC , the Cypriot Ambassador promised to work on achieving the issues discussed during the meeting including the signing of a memorandum of understanding between IBC and the organizations concerned with economic aspects, organizing a visit for IBC delegation to meet with officials in Cyprus and Cypriot businessmen and providing special facilities to IBC members to be granted multiple entry visas to Cyprus within a short period of time.

At the end of the meeting and on behalf of IBC members, Engineer Turkey Al-Qaissi presented IBC Icon (the Tree of Life) to the Cypriot Ambassador.