On The Poet’s First Anniversary, IBC Cultural Program “Ibdaa” Recalls the Renowned Iraqi Poet Mudaffar Al-Nawab And Hosts the Signing Ceremony of “The Qurmati Poet, Mudaffar Al-Nawab.. Memories & Stances” By Journalist & Author Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhsin

On The Poet’s First Anniversary, IBC |Cultural Program “Ibdaa” Recalls the Renowned Iraqi Poet Mudaffar Al-Nawab And Hosts the Signing Ceremony of “The Qurmati Poet, Mudaffar Al-Nawab.. Memories & Stances” By Journalist & Author Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhsin |إحياء ذكرى مظفر النواب

On The Poet’s First Anniversary, IBC Cultural Program “Ibdaa” Recalls the Renowned Iraqi Poet Mudaffar Al-Nawab And Hosts the Signing Ceremony of “The Qurmati Poet, Mudaffar Al-Nawab.. Memories & Stances” By Journalist & Author Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhsin

In the first anniversary Mudaffar AlNawab, IBC Cultural Program “Ibdaa” celebrated the renowned Iraqi poet Mudaffar Al-Nawab and hosted on Saturday August 20th 2022 the publicizing and signing ceremony of “The Qurmati Poet, Mudaffar Al-Nawab.. Memories & Stances” Book by the Iraqi journalist and author Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhsin at IBC hall (2nd floor).  The evening was steered by the Iraqi artist and poet Falah Hashim.  The book included the author’s memories with poet Al-Nawab, his journey with him, analysis of his poems, his poetic and political stances.  The author shed the light on some aspects of Al-Nawab’s life and cited some of his poems.  At the end of the ceremony, the author extended his thanks and appreciation to the Iraqi Business Council for hosting the activity including IBC Cultural Program “Ibdaa” and sponsoring the printing of this important book, which represents the main stages of his life , at The First Anniversary Mudaffar AlNawab

The ceremony was attended by a crowd of IBC guests including the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Jordan, Mr. Muneef Ali Hussein, a number of the Embassy staff and Jordanian MP HE Muhammad Daoudiyeh.  On IBC side, the ceremony was attended by IBC’s Vice President & Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, IBC Deputy Chairman Mr. Nazar Awji, Dr. Amila Naji, Mrs. Maha Al-Nuaimi, Mr. Ahmed Al-Beir, Dr. Bashar Abdul Rahman and a crowd of academics, intellects, media personalities, satellite TV channels, IBC CEO Mrs. Abeer Al-Naib and staff.

It is worth mentioning that poet Mudaffar Al-Nawab passed away on May 20th 2022 in the University Hospital in the Emirate of Sharjah after a long struggle with sickness, the body was flown to Iraq to be buried in the family’s cemetery in Najaf City.