Signing of A MOU Between IBC & The Innovation Dom for Consultancy & Training

تفاهم المجلس وقبة الابتكار

Signing of A MOU Between IBC & The Innovation Dom for Consultancy & Training

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Thursday March 30th 2023 in IBC offices between the Iraqi Business Council and the Innovation Dom for Consultancy and Training, a Jordanian institution concerned with sustainable development and provision of advisory and training services in several fields.  IBC’s Vice President and Secretary-General, Dr. Saad Naji, signed the MOU on behalf of IBC, and on behalf of the Innovation Dom for Consultancy & Training the MOU was signed by its CEO and Advisor, Mr. Rany Al-Omari.  The MOU aims at planning, coordinating and managing the training and advisory activities and participation of the two sides in joint activities.