IBC Deputy Chairman at UN Global Compact Summit 2021 _ At the invitation of Mrs. Sanda Ojiambo, the CEO of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest community initiative for sustainable corporate development in the world, IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Mr Saad Naji participated in the “United National Global Compact Leaders Summit” for 2021, which was held on June 15th & 16th 2021 in New York – United States of America and broadcasted via video technology.
During the UN Global Compact Summit 2021 , the UN Global Compact Initiative celebrated the selection of ten business leaders who have demonstrated progress and commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are doing exceptional work to advance these objectives through implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global compact in connection with human rights, environment, labor and combating corruption.
The nominations focused on professionals working on any level of the company taking part in the UN Global Compact, and the winners were selected from all continents.
The nominees were judged by a large panel that included representatives of the UN Global Compact Network of Experts, together with the former Sustainable Development Goals pioneers, representatives of academia and UN agencies, in addition to a number of sessions that discussed over two days the exacerbation of social and economic inequality, climate change, Covid-19 Pandemic and uncontrolled corruption.
It noteworthy that the Iraqi Business Council in Jordan was one of the first organizations that joined the UN Global Compact and worked on applying and implementing the ten principles of the Compact in all its procedures and adopted sustainable development and social responsibility.