Economic Event: Visit of IBC Vice Chairman and Secretary General and IBC CEO to Amman Chamber of Industry Head Office

زيارة المجلس لغرفة عمان | Visit to Amman Chamber of Industry

Economic Event: Visit of IBC Vice Chairman and Secretary General and IBC CEO to Amman Chamber of Industry Head Office

Visit to Amman Chamber of Industry – IBC Vice Chairman and Secretary General Mr. Saad Naji and IBC CEO visited on Thursday February 7th 2019 the head office of Amman Chamber of industry – Jabal Amman / 2nd Circle.

  During the visit Mr. Saad Naji met with the President of Amman Chamber of industry Mr. Fathi Al-Jeghbeer and a number of the Chamber’s Board of Directors; Mr. Mousa Al-Sakit / the Chamber’s Vice President, Mr. Mazin Tantash, Dr. Mahir Al-Mahrouk / the Chamber’s CEO and Mr. Issaq Arabiyat / Acting for CEO.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Saad Naji extended congratulations on behalf of IBC President and Board members to the Chamber’s newly elected President and Board of Directors and congratulated them on the confidence granted to them by the General Assembly.

A number of important points were also discussed:
1- Mr. Saad Naji asked Mr. Al-Jeghbeer about the strategy that will be adopted by the Chamber to assure the Iraqi private sector concerning the fears generated at the signing of the Iraqi – Jordanian Agreement.

Mr. Al-Jeghbeer replied that the Agreement represents only 1 of 50 of Iraq’s imports, and that the larger number of the terms of the Agreement cover agricultural products and the materials that were not exported to Iraq previously. In this regard, Mr. Saad Naji proposed that the Chamber publishes the figures of Iraq’s imports of the covered commodities to update the Iraqi private sector.

2- Mr. Saad Naji inquired on the issue of the Iraqi – Jordanian Business Council whose Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Iraq.

Mr. Al-Jeghbeer replied that the MOU was part of the agenda of the visit and that the Chamber was not aware of this matter in advance, and that the signed memorandum was a memorandum of intent and not a memorandum of notice.

  In this respect, Mr. Al-Jeghbeer requested that the Council be an advisory body to request advice when dealing with any Iraqi parties.

3- Mr. Saad Naji requested the launching of an exhibition for Iraqi – Jordanian products in cooperation with the Chamber to introduce, through its opening session, the Jordanian products by the Industry Chamber and the competent authorities, and on the Iraqi side, the parties concerned shall be invited to introduce the Iraqi product.

At the end of the meeting, the two sides exchanged thanks on organizing his meeting, stressing the importance of cooperation, continuous communication and exchange of visits.