Participation of Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General in the Symposium Concerning Women Forum & Sustainable Investment

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Participation of Iraqi Business Council Deputy Chairman & Secretary General in the Symposium Concerning Women Forum & Sustainable Investment

Women & Investment Symposium _ At the invitation of the General Secretariat of the International Arab Investor Forum, IBC Deputy Chairman and Secretary General Dr. Saad Naji and IBC Director General participated in the Symposium entitled “Women to the Front in 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy” which was held electronically on Wednesday February 2nd 2021, and organized by the General Secretariat of the International Arab Investor Forum in cooperation with the Arab Women Organization.

During The Women & Investment Symposium, Dr. Saad Naji participated with a speech, in which he reviewed the activities of the Iraqi Business Council and the achievements realized in the field of social responsibility including women empowerment and sustainable development.

The Director General of the Arab Women Organization and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International Arab Investor Dr. Fadiya Kiwan participated in the Forum with a speech speaking about the most important issues that concern women, the need to activate women’s role in the sustainable development and the necessity to enhance her role in the political, social and economic life.

The Symposium was conducted by the Secretary General of the International Arab Investor Forum Mr. Nadheem Muhammad Al-Sabah, and it included the following topics:-

  • The five generations in the path of women advancement on the Arab and international levels.
  • From the woman in a family to the woman as a citizen.
  • 2030 sustainable development agenda and the position of women in it.